

A generic URI locator resolver. Uses a plugin architecture to handle different URI protocols. The steps in resolution are as follows: 1. If the Locator is not an instance of URILocator, a LocatorResolutionException is thrown 2. If a LocatorResolver is registered for the scheme of the URILocator, then this resolver is invoked and the resulting InputStream returned 3. If there is no LocatorResolver found for the scheme, then the address is used to construct a object and an attempt is made to open a connection to the URL using the standard Java mechanism

If provided with a CatalogResolver (either at construction or via #setCatalogResolver(CatalogResolver), resolution of Locator addresses will be attempted prior to opening a resource.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Field Summary
m_catalogResolver Reusable XML catalog resolution service. XML catalog resolution service.
Method Summary
LocatorResolver addResolver(java.lang.String scheme, resolver)
Adds a new protocol resolver to this resolver. resolve( loc)
Opens an InputStream from the resource specified by the Locator's address.
void setCatalogResolver( resolver)
Set the CatalogResolver used with this URILocatorResolver.